About Dr Edwards
Dr Matt Edwards joined the Highgate Hill team at the beginning of 2020.
Matt graduated from University of London in 1998 and was drawn into the world of Emergency Medicine. Years or training across all the subspecialties were needed to be an ER doc – a specialty under his belt -he had an epiphany. As much as loved the variety of ER he wanted more continuity and connection with his patients and was drawn towards General Practice. Another round of specialty training qualifying in both the UK and Australia GP college and now he is 15+ years into his career as GP. The variety is intense, and no problem is too small or too big, he loves it.
Outside Work
Matt is well settled in Australia along with his wife Sandra who is a local midwife at the Mater. Their 13-year-old daughter, a future ballet star and their 11-year-old daughter a circus fanatic keeps Matt busy on the weekends. Dr Edwards loves to camp on the beach at Straddie and sail when he can.
Matts values have been reflected in his student stint in a refugee camp and stints as a Medic on charity trips to China. He also cares deeply for the environment.
Medical Interests
Matt is our men’s health specialist but is skilled and comfortable in all areas. He enjoys woman’s health and is Aligned for Maternity Care at the Mater if you wish to share obstetric care with him.
Matts interest include Skin Cancer Checks and Treatment and has done a University of Qld Advanced Certificate of Skin Surgery. He is skilled in ear cleaning and appreciates the sophisticated ear microscopes available here, and can perform Wedge Resection of ingrowing toenails.
Matt has worked in Sexual Health Clinics, palliative care services and has had extra training in cardiology.
Matt has relatives still in the UK and understands the stress we have all been under with COVID. He has a keen interest in Mental Health and has Bachelor of Science in Psychology.
MBBS (Lond), BSc Psychology Honours (Lond), MRCEM Member Royal College of Emergency Medicine (UK), MRCGP Member of Royal College of General Practice, FRCGP Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Aligned Maternity Care Mater.
Days Available
4 Days a week
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday