**Not taking on any New Patients at this stage**
About Dr Mannion
Dr Mannion has been practicing medicine in the region for 30+ years since his initial training at the Mater Hospital. His experience is broad with extensive hospital training, rural practice and emergency medicine. He has been a lecturer at the University of Queensland teaching medical students in the field of general practice. Dr Mannion has helped to set up refugee counselling services as well as a refugee health clinic at the Mater.
Dr Ian Mannion is known for his warm manner and thorough style. For the past nine+ years, he has been passionately committed to general practice and family care in the West End and Highgate Hill area.
Medical Interests
With a deep love for all areas of medicine and its complexities, he has developed interests in external ear infections and ear clearance, traveller’s health and infectious disease, industrial medicine, and heterosexual and LGBTQ+ sexual health. Dr Ian Mannion is the principle GP for Queensland Ballet and has an interest in musculoskeletal disorders.
Dr Mannion works Monday, Tuesday and Thursday as full days, Wednesday morning and rotates on a Saturday with the other GPs.